Top legislator met with representatives of Vietnamese communities in Europe

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue had meetings representatives of Vietnamese communities in Europe in Sofia on September 24 (local time) as part of his ongoing visit to Bulgaria.

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NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue had meetings representatives of Vietnamese communities in Europe. Photo: Doan Tan

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue had a meeting with the Vietnamese communities in Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Czech Redpublic and Slovakia.

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NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the meetings. Photo: Doan Tan

Noting that the Vietnam-Bulgaria partnership in politics-diplomacy has been fruitful, but bilateral trade and investment cooperation has remained modest, the NA leader said that his visit will focus on beefing up trade and investment ties between the two countries and boosting locality-to-locality cooperation.

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Photo: Doan Tan

He briefed the community on the situation at home andaffirmed the Party and State’s consistent policy of considering the Vietnamese community abroad as an inseparable part and great resources of the Vietnamese nation.

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NA Chairman cut the ribbon to inaugurate the Fatherland Garde. Photo: Doan Tan
Top legislator met with representatives of Vietnamese communities in Europe -0
NA Chairman Hue witnessed the launch of an education promotion fund by the Vietnamese community in Bulgaria. Photo: Doan Tan

He expressed his delight as Slovakia has become the second country after the Czech Republic to recognise the Vietnamese community as an ethnic minority group.

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Photo: Doan Tan

He said he hopes the Vietnamese community abroad will continue to promote solidarity and mutual support, maintain and develop the mother tongue and cultural identity, and making more contributions to the national development.

The NA leader affirmed that the Party and State are working hard to complete policies and laws regarding overseas Vietnamese in order to better ensure their legitimate rights and interest.

On the occasion, NA Chairman Hue witnessed the launch of an education promotion fund by the Vietnamese community in Bulgaria and cut the ribbon to inaugurate the Fatherland Garden – a venue for exhibition of Vietnamese products./.


Grand welcome ceremony held for top Vietnamese leader in Havana

Grand welcome ceremony held for top Vietnamese leader in Havana

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Top Vietnamese leader meets with US President

Top Vietnamese leader meets with US President

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Top leader begins state visit to Cuba

Top leader begins state visit to Cuba

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and President of Vietnam To Lam, his spouse, and a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam left New York on September 25 afternoon (local time), after attending the United Nations Summit of the Future and the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) and holding working sessions in the US, for a state visit to Cuba.

Top leader's working trip demonstrates Vietnam's strong political commitment

Top leader's working trip demonstrates Vietnam's strong political commitment

The upcoming participation of Party General Secretary and State President To Lam in the UN Summit of the Future and the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) reflects the highest level of political commitment at a crucial time when the international community is determined to promote multilateralism to address a series of current global challenges, said Dennis Francis, President of the UN General Assembly’s 78th session.

Top leader leaves for UNGA 79, state visit to Cuba

Top leader leaves for UNGA 79, state visit to Cuba

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and President of Vietnam To Lam, his spouse, and a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam left Hanoi on September 21 morning for a trip to attend the United Nations Summit of the Future and the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79), hold working sessions in the US, and later pay a state visit to Cuba.