National Assembly passed Law on Telecommunication (amended)

Continuing the program of the 6th Session, the National Assembly passed the Law   on Telecommunication (amended) with 468/473 delegates in favor, accounting for 94.74% of the total number of National Assembly deputies, on the morning of November 24, under the direction of Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, Lieutenant General Tran Quang Phuong.

National Assembly passed Telecommunications Law (amended) -1
Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, Lieutenant General Tran Quang Phuong chaired the vote. Photo: Ho Long

Telecommunications Law (amended) includes 10 Chapters, 73 articles, effective from July 1, 2024. In particular, the provisions on providing data center services, cloud computing services, and basic telecommunications services on the Internet in Article 28 and Article 29 of this Law take effect from January 1. 2025 (Clause 3, Article 72) and regulations on payment of fees to maintain use of network numbers and registration fees to use network numbers at Point d, Clause 9, Article 50; Clause 3, Article 71 of this Law takes effect from January 1, 2025 (Clause 4, Article 72).

National Assembly passed Telecommunications Law (amended) -0
The delegates press the voting button. Photo: Ho Long

Telecommunications licenses are issued according to the provisions of Telecommunications Law No. 41/2009/QH12, which has been amended and supplemented with a number of articles according to Law No. 21/2017/QH14 and Law No. 23/2018/QH14, which continues to be valid until the end of the license term. In case an organization or enterprise submits an application for a telecommunications license before the effective date of this Law but has not been granted a license by July 1, 2024, it will be considered for a license according to the provisions of the Telecommunications Law. No. 41/2009/QH12 has been amended and supplemented with a number of articles according to Law No. 21/2017/QH14 and Law No. 23/2018/QH14.


Grand welcome ceremony held for top Vietnamese leader in Havana

Grand welcome ceremony held for top Vietnamese leader in Havana

First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Diaz Canel Bermudez presided over a grand welcome ceremony at the highest protocol for heads of states for General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President of Vietnam To Lam on September 26 afternoon (Cuba time).

Top Vietnamese leader meets with US President

Top Vietnamese leader meets with US President

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and State President To Lam had a meeting with US President Joe Biden on September 25 (local time) as part of his US trip for the UN Summit of the Future and the high-level week of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA).

Top leader begins state visit to Cuba

Top leader begins state visit to Cuba

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and President of Vietnam To Lam, his spouse, and a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam left New York on September 25 afternoon (local time), after attending the United Nations Summit of the Future and the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) and holding working sessions in the US, for a state visit to Cuba.

Top leader's working trip demonstrates Vietnam's strong political commitment

Top leader's working trip demonstrates Vietnam's strong political commitment

The upcoming participation of Party General Secretary and State President To Lam in the UN Summit of the Future and the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) reflects the highest level of political commitment at a crucial time when the international community is determined to promote multilateralism to address a series of current global challenges, said Dennis Francis, President of the UN General Assembly’s 78th session.

Top leader leaves for UNGA 79, state visit to Cuba

Top leader leaves for UNGA 79, state visit to Cuba

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and President of Vietnam To Lam, his spouse, and a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam left Hanoi on September 21 morning for a trip to attend the United Nations Summit of the Future and the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79), hold working sessions in the US, and later pay a state visit to Cuba.