Deputies to question Cabinet members on auditing, culture, sports, tourism issues

The 15th National Assembly (NA) will spend the entire working day of June 5 to question Government members on issues in the fields of auditing, culture, sports and tourism as part of its ongoing seventh session.

Deputies to question Cabinet members on auditing, culture, sports, tourism issues -0
NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man chairs the session. Photo: Lam Hien

In the morning, NA deputies will continue questioning the Minister of Industry and Trade on matters under his ministry’s management.

They will then question the State Auditor General on the responsibility and measures to handle violations in audited businesses and projects, the implementation of conclusions and proposals of the State Audit Office, the prevention and control of corruption and other negative phenomena in State auditing activities, as well as solutions to overlapping in inspection and auditing activities.

The Minister of Planning and Investment, Minister of Finance and Minister of Public Security, as well as the Inspector General of the Government Inspectorate will clarify relevant issues.

In the afternoon, deputies will focus on issues in the field of culture, sports and tourism, including the selection, training and support policies for athletes and artists, employment assistance for them after retirement; the implementation of tasks and solutions to stimulate and recover tourism in 2024 and beyond; measures to promote night-time tourism; and special policies to attract investment in culture, sports and tourism activities in ethnic minority-inhabited and mountainous areas.

The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism will take the floor. 

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, and the Ministers of Planning and Investment, Finance, Transport, Education and Training, Labour-Invalids and Social Affairs, and Home Affairs, as well as Minister-Chairman of the Government Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs will give explanations on related issues./.


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