The platform offers information necessary for investors to make sound and timely investment decisions,. It also highlights attractive investment opportunities for both domestic and foreign investors in Malaysia.
Speaking at the launch, Malaysian Second Finance Minister Amir Hamzah Azizan said the portal provides investors with right information to address their investment concerns.

"InvestMalaysia" and the Investor Relations Office will serve as guides for portfolio investors looking to enter the Malaysian market. The portal provides detailed information on the economic outlook, national policies, business landscape, and industry-specific market information, facilitating investment in line with Malaysia's investment requirements.
The portal showcases investment opportunities by introducing a variety of products and serves as a centralised hub connecting current and potential investors with relevant government agencies.
Governor of the Central Bank of Malaysia Abdul Rasheed Ghaffour shared that the platform is like an arbiter for Malaysia's macroeconomic strength and investment potential as it enables seamless extraction of signals about the country's economic and financial situation and outlook. He expressed his hope that the portal will enhance investor relations and attract high-quality investments to the country.
"InvestMalaysia" can be accessed via