Vietnam, Japan issue joint statement on elevation of relations to comprehensive strategic partnership

Vietnam and Japan on November 27 issued a joint statement on the elevation of their relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia and the world on the occasion of an official visit to Japan by President Vo Van Thuong and his spouse.The following of the full text of the Joint statement:

Vietnam, Japan issue joint statement on elevation of relations to comprehensive strategic partnership -0
Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong (left) and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio. Photo: VNA

At the invitation of Japan, H.E. Mr. Vo Van Thuong, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and Madam Phan Thi Thanh Tam made an official visit to Japan from 27 to 30 November 2023. During the visit, Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress meet with and host a court luncheon in honor of President Thuong and Madam. H.E. Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, and President Thuong attended the ceremony by Guard of Honor, held the summit meeting, attended the joint press conference, and witnessed the signing ceremony of cooperation documents. President Thuong also delivered his policy speech at the National Diet of Japan and visited Fukuoka Prefecture.

The visit by President Thuong and Madam took place as numerous activities celebrating the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations (established on 21 September 1973) were being coordinated between Japan and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Building on the outstanding achievements of the bilateral ties across all areas over the past 50 years, given the great potential for cooperation, with the firm belief in the bright future of the bilateral relations, and with the aim of meeting the demand of the peoples of the two countries, President Thuong and Prime Minister Kishida confirmed to adopt the Joint Statement on the Elevation of the Japan-Vietnam relations to a “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia and the World” at the summit meeting on 27 November 2023, thereby affirming both countries’ endeavors to bring the current cooperation between the two countries in all areas to new heights and to further expand it to new fronts.

The two leaders emphasized fundamental principles guiding the Japan-Vietnam relationship, including respect for the United Nations Charter, adherence to international law, and mutual respect for each country’s political systems, independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

Assessment of the progress of the Japan-Vietnam relations

1. The two leaders highly valued the impressive and comprehensive growth of the friendship and cooperation between Japan and Vietnam since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1973, and particularly since the elevation of bilateral ties to the Extensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia in 2014. The two leaders noted with satisfaction that the two countries have become important economic partners after 50 years, highlighting Japan as Vietnam’s largest provider of Official Development Assistance (ODA), the second-largest partner in labor cooperation, the third in investment and tourism, and the fourth in trade. Prime Minister Kishida reaffirmed Japan’s commitment to supporting “a strong, independent, self-reliant, industrialized and modern Vietnam.”

2. The two leaders shared the view that their frequent contacts, exchanges, and cooperation at high and all other levels and channels of the two countries have been maintained and the dialogue mechanisms between ministries and agencies have been expanded and effectively implemented. The two leaders also shared the view that cooperation in economy, trade, investment, social development, defense and security, culture, education, tourism, agriculture, environment, healthcare, labor, information, telecommunication, transport, construction, law and justice, people-to-people exchange, and cooperation between localities have been deepened with increasing substance and effectiveness.

3. President Thuong appreciated the active contributions of Japan, which include the Official Development Assistance (ODA) and the investments by Japanese companies, to the course of Vietnam’s national construction and for stable and comprehensive socio-economic development throughout the past years and affirmed that Japan will continue to be a leading economic partner of Vietnam. President Thuong expressed his gratitude to the timely and wholehearted support of the Government of Japan and the Japanese people for Vietnam to overcome the hardship of the COVID-19 pandemic.

4. The two leaders commended the deepened people-to-people exchange between the two countries. The Vietnamese community in Japan has been growing rapidly to become the second largest overseas foreign community, totaling 520,000 expats. The number of Japanese nationals in Vietnam has also increased by leaps and bounds to 22,000 people. The two leaders affirmed that the Vietnamese community in Japan and the Japanese community in Vietnam have been making great contributions to the socio-economic development of both sides and are important catalysts for the sustainable growth of the Japan-Vietnam friendship and cooperation. The two leaders particularly appreciated the fact that the Vietnamese human resources who account for about a quarter of all foreign workers in Japan, such as Technical Intern Trainees (185,600 people), Specified Skilled Workers (97,500 people) and Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services (87,900 people), make significant contributions to the development of economy of both countries.

5. The two leaders were elated at the progress of cultural exchange and tourism cooperation between the two countries. In particular, the increase in the scope, quality, and popularity of Vietnamese and Japanese festivals has actively contributed to the mutual understanding, friendship, and social bonds between the two peoples.

6. The two leaders shared the view that the official visit to Japan by President Thuong and Madam and the official visit to Vietnam by Their Imperial Highnesses Crown Prince and Crown Princess Akishino in September are of great significance to both countries in the 50th year of the anniversary of the diplomatic relations. The two leaders highly commended over 500 commemorative projects that have been and will be carried out in both countries in all fields by the public and private sectors, notably the Anniversaries in commemoration of 50 years of the diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan, including festivals hosted in the two countries such as the Vietnam Festival and the Japan Festival, seminars and forums on economy, green transition, and digital transition, cultural exchanges including symphony orchestras and martial arts like Vovinam (Vietnamese martial arts), and traditional arts programs such as Kyogen as well as the Opera “Princess Anio.” The two leaders also shared the view that these projects have engaged the active youth in the two countries, thereby laying the foundation for taking an even greater leap forward the future and into the world, based on equal partnership.

7. Prime Minister Kishida affirmed the importance of Vietnam in the implementation of Japan’s foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific region, and highly valued Vietnam’s active and constructive contributions to regional and international affairs. President Thuong affirmed that Vietnam has always regarded Japan as a leading and long-standing partner and expressed the wish that Japan will continue to play its leading role in maintaining peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world. The two leaders expressed their view that the bilateral cooperation has already expanded its scope for contribution to peace and prosperity not only for their states and people but also in Asia and the World.

Multi-layered and multi-level dialogues and engagements

8. The two leaders affirmed the maintenance of high-level engagement on an annual basis, thereby deepening the friendship and trust between the two countries’ high-level leaders. Both sides confirmed to enhance exchanges across all channels, including the Parties, Governments, Parliaments, people-to-people contacts, province-to-province cooperation, particularly exchanges among parliamentarians, including between the two Parliamentarian Friendship Groups, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Unions and relevant Youth Divisions, and between young and female ones, thus strengthening the solid foundation and political trust for bilateral cooperation in all areas.

9. Both sides concurred in effectively implementing current bilateral dialogue mechanisms, including ministerial-level ones, such as the Japan-Vietnam Cooperation Committee, the Japan-Vietnam Joint Committee on Cooperation in Industry, Trade, and Energy, the Japan-Vietnam Agricultural Cooperation Dialogue, and the Vietnam-Japan Ocean Dialogue, as well as periodic dialogue mechanisms at the deputy ministerial level in such fields as diplomacy, defense, security, construction, transport, and disaster risk reduction. The two leaders assigned their ministries and agencies to explore bilateral cooperation opportunities with substance and effectiveness and in line with both sides’ demands, i.e., in areas of science and technology, healthcare, law and justice, and education and training.

10. Both sides welcomed the close cooperation between the two Foreign Ministries and concurred in continuing with their support and cooperation for the smooth operation of both countries’ diplomatic and consular agencies.

Cooperation in security and defense areas

11. The two leaders affirmed to bolster the substantive and effective defense cooperation on the basis of the Joint Vision Statement on Japan-Vietnam Defense Cooperation towards the next decade in April 2018, the Memorandum on Bilateral Defense Cooperation and Exchanges in October 2011, and other instruments between the two Defense Ministries.

12. The two leaders confirmed to promote the exchange of delegations at all levels, maintain and enhance the effectiveness of defense dialogue and consultation mechanisms between the two countries, step up cooperation in the UN Peacekeeping operations, and address war remnant issues, such as explosive ordnance disposal and dioxin remediation, military medicine, humanitarian aid and disaster relief (HA/DR), human resource training, and defense equipment and technology transfer to the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam. Both sides confirmed to strengthen consultation and mutual support at regional mechanisms and fora on defense and security in which both sides participate. Based on the Agreement concerning the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology signed in September 2021, both sides concurred on the importance of steadily proceeding with the procedures for the transfer.

13. Prime Minister Kishida explained that Japan has established a new cooperation framework “Official Security Assistance (OSA)” for the purpose of deepening security cooperation and contributing to maintaining and strengthening international peace and security. President Thuong took note of the explanation of OSA and both leaders concurred in assigning relevant agencies to discuss the content of the new framework.

14. The two leaders concurred in bolstering cooperation in maritime security and safety through the enhancement of cooperation activities, including joint trainings, information sharing, and capacity building between the Coast Guards from both sides.

15. The two leaders affirmed the intention to bolster cooperation in the areas of security, intelligence, and police. In particular, both sides underscored the importance to effectively conduct dialogue mechanisms, to promote delegation exchange and information sharing, to coordinate in the assessment of and forecast for regional and international issues of common concern, to educate the citizens living in each country about the host country’s laws and regulations, and to explore opportunities to expand cooperation in response to non-traditional security challenges, such as cybersecurity, economic security, terrorism, and transnational organized crimes, including online and telephone fraud based overseas, cybercrime and human trafficking.

Economic linkages and ensuring economic security

16. The two leaders concurred in continuing strengthening economic linkages between the two countries and affirmed the importance of cooperation to ensure economic security. Japan reaffirmed to continue supporting Vietnam’s development of an independent and self-reliant economy that deeply engages in international integration, and Vietnam’s industrialization and modernization with the goal of becoming a developed country by 2045. As an example of such efforts, the two leaders welcomed that ERIA (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia) has submitted a policy proposal “Vietnam 2045” to both leaders as a reference for formulating policy toward industrialization and modernization of Vietnam. President Thuong spoke highly of Prime Minister Kishida’s new economic package on the cycle of growth and fair distribution.

17. With the shared recognition that Japan’s ODA to Vietnam has significantly contributed to Vietnam’s socio-economic development for more than 30 years, the two leaders affirmed to further strengthen mutual cooperation so as to reinvigorate Japan’s ODA and promote large-scale quality infrastructure development projects in Vietnam. In this context, the two leaders welcome the prospect that the actual amount of yen loans this fiscal year (FY) of Japan could exceed 100 billion yen for the first time since the Japanese FY 2017. The two leaders also reaffirmed that they should accelerate their efforts to resolve the outstanding difficulties, including through a cooperation framework to solve those issues, in implementing Japan's ODA projects including technical cooperation in Vietnam, and expressed their intention to enhance the promotion and implementation of Japan’s new ODA projects under Japan’s new Development Cooperation Charter, including “Co-creation for common agenda initiative,” in areas such as infrastructure, digital transformation, green transition, climate change response, and healthcare, recognizing the importance of high concessionality, simple procedures, and flexibility.

18. Sharing the same recognition of the need to promote major economic projects including Japanese ODA and FDI, the two leaders affirmed to identify those projects at the earliest possible timing, thereby exploring possibility of establishing a Japan-Vietnam coordinating working group led by both governments in Vietnam to accelerate identified major projects.

19. The two leaders confirmed the launch of a new phase of the Japan-Vietnam Joint Initiative early next year. In promoting such cooperation, the two leaders confirmed to revise the Joint Initiative so as to meet the new challenges both countries are facing based upon the principle of equal partnership. In this context, the two leaders identified “AZEC/GX,” “Innovation/DX,” “Strengthening supply chains including the development of the supporting industries,” and “Fostering high level skilled human resources” as common agenda items and stressed the importance of achieving concrete results, including increased investment in each of those areas.

20. The two leaders confirmed the enhancement of supply chain resilience to ensure stable production activities for the benefit of both sides, recognizing the importance of transparent, diverse, secure, sustainable, and reliable supply chain. Affirming that Vietnam plays an important role in diversification and upgrading of supply chain network through digital technology and other means for Japan, Japan expressed its intention to conduct activities that contribute to supply chain diversification and upgrading for Japanese companies, as well as facilitate Vietnamese businesses to participate more deeply and substantially in the Japanese businesses-led global supply chain. Vietnam expressed its readiness to create all the favorable conditions for Japanese businesses to invest in Vietnam. Both sides also expressed their readiness to jointly develop future oriented co-creation projects.

21. The two leaders affirmed that the two countries continue to work closely and implement effectively the “Medium- to Long-Term Vision for Japan-Vietnam Agricultural Cooperation,” thereby promoting high-quality agricultural cooperation through investment attraction, technology and knowledge transfer, high-quality human resource development, South-South cooperation and trilateral cooperation through ODA. The two leaders welcomed adoption of the “ASEAN-Japan MIDORI Cooperation Plan” at the Meeting of the ASEAN-JAPAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry, which aims to strengthen cooperation towards enhancing resilient and sustainable agriculture and food systems through innovation as well as ensuring regional food security. The two leaders also affirmed that first of all, both sides will accelerate the intergovernmental expert consultation for phytosanitary in order to open the market for Vietnam’s pomelo and Japan’s grape at an early date, followed by the consultation for market access to Japan’s peach and Vietnam’s passion fruit.

22. The two leaders reaffirmed the recognition that comprehensive countermeasures against copyright infringements in cyberspace such as pirated copies of manga websites are necessary from the perspective of advancing sound economic growth in the intellectual property field. Both sides welcomed the progress in addressing the issue thus far and confirmed the necessity to take stronger, more comprehensive and effective measures that meet international protection standards.

23. The two leaders intended to enhance economic cooperation on maritime affairs, including the sustainable exploitation and use of natural resources.

Human resources development, culture and tourism, interregional exchange, and people-to-people exchange

24. The two leaders affirmed that the two countries will further strengthen cooperation in education and training, developing high-quality human resources, including in key industries and supporting industries, increasing training activities for strategic-level officials of the Party and the Government of Vietnam, and promoting vocational training. The two leaders also concurred in exploring ways to enhance cooperation in the tertiary education between both countries. The two leaders confirmed that the Japan-Vietnam University is a symbolic cooperation project in the field of education between the two countries and that they will continue to cooperate in the development of the university. The two sides confirmed the enhancement of efforts to encourage Vietnamese students to study in Japan, to strengthen exchanges in the field of education between the two countries, and to promote Japanese language education inter alia improvement of its quality in Vietnam. The leaders concurred on the importance to promote Japanese and Vietnamese studies including linguistics so as to foster mutual understanding and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

25. Bearing in mind that the two governments have supported strengthening people-to-people exchange between the two countries through activities, including tourism-culture festivals held in each country, the two leaders affirmed that they will strengthen the cooperation in the field of culture, arts, science and technology, and sports, thereby enhancing understanding and friendship between the two countries. The two leaders affirmed the promotion of cooperation in the field of cultural heritage protection based on Japan’s knowledge, technology, and experience.

26. The two leaders shared the view that creating a good environment for traveling is important in order to promote tourism and people-to-people exchange. Japan appreciated Vietnam’s extension of the visa-free stay period for Japanese citizens to 45 days and favorable conditions for issuing electronic visas for Japanese citizens and the Government of Japan will make further efforts to simplify visa procedures for Vietnamese citizens, expand issuance of electronic visas, and issue multiple visas to Vietnamese citizens entering Japan for personal purposes.

27. The two leaders highly appreciated the recent new progress in cooperation between localities of the two countries and reaffirmed that this is a practical and effective channel to strengthen substantive cooperation in various areas including in the fields of economy, investment, trade, tourism and labor cooperation, and foster the foundation of friendship between the peoples of both countries. The two leaders shared the importance of further strengthening the relations between the localities in many forms and encouraging dialogues, including a forum between localities of the two countries.

28. The two leaders shared a common perception that sending Vietnamese Technical Intern Trainees, workers, and students to Japan brings practical benefits to both countries. Both sides will promote exchange for Vietnamese Technical Intern Trainees and workers in fields that suit the demand of both countries. Both sides will also cooperate to support Vietnamese Technical Intern Trainees and workers to find relevant jobs after returning home.

29. Japan affirmed that it will pay great attention to create favorable conditions for Vietnamese in Japan so that they can settle down in the Japanese society, play an active role in the community they belong to, and contribute to the socio-economic development of both countries. Vietnam expressed its hope for improvement of income and other living conditions of Vietnamese nationals working in Japan. Japan expressed its continued intention to improve their working and living environment and conditions, as well as social security. Additionally, Japan will consider reviewing the Technical Intern Training Program and establishing a new program aimed at securing and developing human resources. The two leaders affirmed that the two countries will strengthen information sharing, research, and the implementation of measures to resolve emerging issues related to the sending and receiving of Vietnamese Technical Intern Trainees, workers, and students. The two leaders confirmed the assignment of relevant agencies to accelerate negotiations process for a bilateral agreement on social security.

Cooperation in emerging areas, such as energy, environment science and technology, green transformation, digital transformation, and innovation

30. The two leaders shared common perceptions on the importance of the Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of energy transition between the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan.

31. The two leaders confirmed that the two countries will promote cooperation in the fields of smart power grids, smart cities, power market development, and localization of the energy industry. Vietnam will encourage Japanese businesses to participate in the LNG power market in Vietnam in compliance with Vietnam’s law and promote technology transfer and human resource development in LNG power sector in Vietnam.

32. The two leaders affirmed that the two countries will further promote cooperation in the development of the digital economy and innovation in that field, thereby creating momentum for rapid and sustainable economic development. Noting digital government, digital economy, digital society, and new potential core industry such as semiconductors-related industries, the two leaders also confirmed their commitment to cooperating in the development of those areas. The two leaders also acknowledged the importance of facilitating free flow of data across border, developing digital connectivity, and strengthening consumer and business trust in the digital economy.

Cooperation in other areas

33. The two leaders confirmed that the two countries continue to promote cooperation in the field of law and justice to enhance mutual trust between the two countries, including cooperation based on the bilateral treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, the UN Conventions against Transnational Organized Crime, of which both sides are members, Joint Statement of ASEAN-Japan Special Meeting of Justice Ministers and the Memorandum of Cooperation between the two Ministries of Justice on legal and judicial fields.

34. President Thuong highly appreciated the longstanding Japan’s legal technical assistance in Vietnam and the two leaders affirmed to continue strengthening cooperation, including capacity building in the field of law and justice.

35. The two leaders confirmed the importance of strengthening health cooperation between the two countries under AHWIN and Japan’s Global Health Strategy, including in the fields of infectious disease prevention, cancer, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), aging population, healthcare for the elderly, and pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. Japan will continue to support Vietnam in research, technology and technique transfer, training of human resources for health, technical assistance in health policy development, promotion of and support for bilateral cooperation programs between medical facilities, research institutes, development of the platform of cooperation through Medical Excellence Vietnam (MEV), and healthcare worker training establishments of the two countries.

36. The two leaders affirmed that the two countries will continue to strengthen cooperation in construction, transport, disaster risk reduction, and urban development, in which Japan will increase technical support and promote projects, including underground space management, urban underground works, water-related disaster risk reduction, "Smart JAMP" a smart city support program based on Japan-ASEAN mutual partnership, the national standards for port and harbor, and so forth.

Regional and international issues

37. The two leaders emphasized the importance of the free and open international order based on the rule of law and principles of upholding the UN Charter to promote cooperation and achieve peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and the world. Prime Minister Kishida reaffirmed that Vietnam and ASEAN are important partners for Japan to realize a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP), and that Japan stands ready to support Vietnam and ASEAN, including within the framework of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) and the implementation of the Joint Statement of the 23rd ASEAN-Japan Summit on Cooperation on ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. President Thuong appreciated Japan’s continuous support for the AOIP, which shares relevant fundamental principles in promoting peace and cooperation with Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) vision, as well as Japan’s efforts to promote regional cooperation through various initiatives to realize the FOIP based on those shared principles. 

38. The two leaders reaffirmed the importance of ASEAN unity and centrality and welcomed outstanding achievements of the ASEAN-Japan Cooperation in the past 50 years. The two leaders were pleased with the adoption of the Joint Statement on the Establishment of the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Strategic Partnership at the ASEAN-Japan Summit. The two leaders reaffirmed their close cooperation and active contribution to reinforce the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in a substantive, effective and mutually beneficial manner, and reaffirmed their commitment to the success of the ASEAN-Japan Commemorative Summit in Tokyo in December 2023.

39. The two leaders concurred in working together to increase the effectiveness and role of Mekong-Japan cooperation in the time to come. The two leaders affirmed the importance of sustainable development and management of water resources and relevant resources in the river basin of the Mekong River and shared their intention to promote close cooperation and coordination between the Mekong-Japan cooperation mechanism and organizations in the Mekong subregion, including the Mekong River Commission and the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area.

40. The two leaders reaffirmed the commitment to strengthen comprehensive cooperation at regional and international forums such as the United Nations (UN), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM), and ASEAN-led regional mechanisms, such as the ASEAN-Japan Summit, the East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN+3, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus), the Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum (EAMF), and regional and international parliamentary forums namely the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) among others, to actively and effectively contribute to maintaining peace and stability and promoting cooperation and sustainable development in the region and the world. Prime Minister Kishida expressed support for Vietnam’s bid to host APEC Year 2027.

41. President Thuong highly appreciated Japan’s role as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC) for 2023-2024. The two leaders expressed their support for UN reform, including UNSC reform. They concurred to work together to achieve concrete results in UNSC reform, including expanding permanent and non-permanent categories of its membership. Prime Minister Kishida expressed his gratitude to Vietnam for its continued support for Japan’s candidacy for permanent membership of the UN Security Council when it is reformed. The two leaders committed to the continued mutual support for both countries’ candidacy to the UN Security Council.

42. The two leaders expressed their concerns on the situation in the South China Sea and reiterated the importance of refraining from any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion and escalate tensions. The two leaders affirmed the importance of maintaining peace, security, safety, freedom of navigation and overflight and unimpeded lawful economic activities in the South China Sea, exercising self-restraint and resolving disputes peacefully in accordance with UNCLOS, while reaffirming that UNCLOS is the most comprehensive international legal basis for the maritime domain. The two leaders also emphasized the importance of the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) in its entirety and acknowledged the progress in the negotiations for the Code of Conduct (COC). They also emphasized the importance of an effective and substantive COC in accordance with international law, in particular UNCLOS, and which does not prejudice the rights of all stakeholders.

43. Prime Minister Kishida reaffirmed his support for ASEAN’s efforts to reach a feasible and long-term solution to the current crisis, particularly the swift implementation of the Five-Point Consensus to improve the situation in Myanmar. The two leaders reiterated their calls for the cessation of violence and constructive dialogue among relevant parties. President Thuong expressed his gratitude to Japan for its support for ASEAN’s roles and efforts in the Myanmar issue, including the participation in humanitarian aid activities through the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre). The two leaders affirmed their continued cooperation in the Myanmar issue, and support for ASEAN centrality and the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus in the resolution to the situation in Myanmar.

44. The two leaders exchanged views and expressed concern over the recent situation in the Korean Peninsula, including the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)’s recent ballistic missile launches, which are not conducive to the peace and security of the region. The two leaders reaffirmed the importance of international cooperation and the full implementation of United Nations Security Council resolutions (UNSCRs), and the urgency of the continued pursuit by all relevant parties for peaceful and diplomatic resolutions for the issues pertaining to the Korean Peninsula, including dismantlement of all weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles of all ranges in accordance with the relevant UNSCRs, for peace, security, stability, cooperation, and prosperity of the region and the world.

The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to enhance cooperation to immediately resolve the abductions issue.

45. On Ukraine, the two leaders emphasized the importance of the need for establishing a just and lasting peace in accordance with international law, including the UN charter.

46. The two leaders expressed deep concern about the situation in Gaza. They underlined the importance of respecting the principles and norms of international law that entails the protection of civilian population and civilian infrastructure. They also called for the immediate release of hostages and redoubling of diplomatic efforts to calm down the situation at the soonest. To this end, the leaders welcomed the agreement calling for humanitarian pause and release of hostages.

47. The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to realizing a world without nuclear weapons. With a view to maintaining and strengthening the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) as the cornerstone of the international nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime, the two leaders stressed the importance of enhancing transparency measures. President Thuong welcomed Prime Minister Kishida’s efforts on nuclear disarmament under the “Hiroshima Action Plan,” and reiterated Vietnam’s strong support for Japan’s resolution entitled “Steps to building a common roadmap towards a world without nuclear weapons” adopted at the First Committee of the UN General Assembly on 27 October 2023. Prime Minister Kishida expressed his appreciation to Vietnam’s support.

48. The two leaders concurred in cooperating closely to strive toward the success of Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan. The Government of Japan committed to continuing to create favorable conditions for Vietnam in its participation. Vietnam committed to positively considering participating in the International Horticultural Expo 2027, Yokohama, Japan.

49. The two leaders concurred in further promoting free trade and affirmed the necessity to cooperate with relevant parties to ensure the full, effective and transparent implementation of the free trade agreements, including the CPTPP and the RCEP Agreement. The two leaders emphasized the importance of working with other members to uphold the high standards of the CPTPP, ensuring the vital benefits not only for the two countries but also toward the stability and prosperity of the region and the world. The two leaders welcomed progress thus far of Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) in order to deliver concrete benefits to the peoples, economies, and businesses of the two countries and the Indo-Pacific region.

50. The two leaders affirmed the importance of active cooperation between the two countries in the fields of sustainable development goals, climate change, risk reduction of natural disaster, green growth, resource management, environmental protection, and circular economy, including through ASEAN-welcomed Strategic Program for ASEAN Climate and Environment (SPACE). The two leaders welcomed the steady implementation of global arrangements and commitments between two countries on sustainable development, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

51. Prime Minister Kishida affirmed his readiness to cooperate with Vietnam in effectively achieving its two goals: net zero emissions by 2050 and a stable energy supply necessary to become an advanced country by 2045. To this end, noting that Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) platform and its relevant initiatives, such as Asia Energy Transition Initiative (AETI), contribute to realistic approaches that reflect the actual conditions of Asian countries, and are in line with Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), Prime Minister Kishida also expressed his intention to cooperate in development of Vietnamese policies and institutions through Japan’s experience sharing, technology transfer, and human resource training while utilizing those frameworks. Prime Minister Kishida also emphasized his readiness to support Vietnam in its efforts to reduce plastic waste and to promote transition to a circular economy.

52. President Thuong and Madam expressed their sincere gratitude to Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, Prime Minister Kishida and the people of Japan for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to them and the Vietnamese delegation.

President Thuong invited Prime Minister Kishida to visit Vietnam at a suitable time and Prime Minister Kishida appreciated this kind invitation./.


NA Chairman meets with Lao Prime Minister

NA Chairman meets with Lao Prime Minister

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man met with Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone in Vientiane on October 17, assuring the host that Vietnam always gives top priority to the special traditional ties with Laos and fully supports Laos in its national defence, construction, renewal and development.

NA Chairman's Laos trip to strengthen special relationship: Ambassador

NA Chairman's Laos trip to strengthen special relationship: Ambassador

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man’s trip to Laos from October 17-19 for an official visit and the 45th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-45) will help enhance the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States, and legislatures, and peoples of Vietnam and Laos, a diplomat has said.