Singapore updates import-export procedures

Singapore has introduced several updates to its import-export regulations, and public consultations on related issues are taking place.


According to the Vietnam Trade Office in Singapore, these changes aim to streamline processes and adapt to evolving trade needs.

One of the key updates is a circular issued by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA), effective December 1, 2024, which modifies export procedures for processed meat and egg products from approved foreign facilities.

Under the new rules, the SFA has shifted its approval criteria from being product-specific to focusing on product form and type. Foreign authorities no

longer need to apply for export permits for products that align with previously approved forms and types.

Additionally, exported products must clearly indicate their form such as heat-treated or non-heat-treated and poultry definitions have been expanded to include various bird species, such as ducks, geese, and quail.

While Vietnam currently lacks permission to officially export these items to Singapore, the country’s processing facilities are under consideration for recognition.

Another significant change involves increased fees for import licenses on frozen, chilled, and processed meat products. Starting November 18, 2024, the fee is 300 SGD (219.65 USD) per licence, replacing the previous 4.60 USD per 100 kilograms.

Singapore's Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and Customs are also consulting the public on proposed amendments to the Import-Export Regulations

Bill. This consultation, running from December 9, 2024, to February 7, 2025, seeks to establish a framework for certifying trade-related information and expand customs search warrant powers for enhanced operational efficiency.

The Vietnam Trade Office has urged Vietnamese exporters and associations to stay updated on these regulations to avoid potential compliance issues when engaging in trade with Singapore.


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