PM receives Vice Chairman of NPC Standing Committee

- Wednesday, 08/05/2024, 22:48

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted a reception in Hanoi on May 8 for Zhang Qingwei, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) of China.

PM receives Vice Chairman of NPC Standing Committee -0
PM Pham Minh Chinh received Zhang Qingwei, Vice Chairman of Chinese NPC. Photo: VNA

The PM thanked Zhang for his attendance at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7, 1954 - 2024), a brilliant milestone in the cause of national construction and defence of Vietnam.

PM Chinh recalled important contributions by fraternal socialist countries and international friends, especially China, to the triumph, and emphasised that the Vietnamese Party, State and people always remember and treasure the great, wholehearted support from their Chinese counterparts.

Zhang, in reply, expressed his honour to lead a high-ranking Chinese delegation to attend the celebration, and extended his congratulations to the Vietnamese Party, State, army and people on the event.

The Dien Bien Phu Victory was a great triumph of the Vietnamese people, also a common triumph of all oppressed nations, contributing greatly to national liberation movements all over the world, he said, lauding the sound and ingenious leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee, President Ho Chi Minh and General Vo Nguyen Giap, as well as the brave combat and sacrifice of the Vietnamese army and people during the campaign, and the positive support and assistance of socialist countries, including China.

The host and guest shared the view on active development steps of ties between the two Parties and two countries, especially after the visits by the two Party chiefs who have established the new positioning for the bilateral relations, thus advancing the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China.

PM Chinh affirmed that the Party and State of Vietnam always consider developing the friendship with China as a strategic choice and top priority in Vietnam's overall foreign policy.

He suggested that in the coming time, the two sides continue to increase contact at all levels, especially high level, promote exchange and cooperation mechanisms; boost strategic connectivity, and create new growth momentum for the two countries’ collaboration.

In particular, the two sides will prioritise road and rail transport connection in border provinces and pilot smart border gates; promote connections between Vietnam and China's strategic development regions; boost development cooperation in emerging fields such as green growth and digital economy; strengthen tourism cooperation, and people-to-people exchanges; make efforts to better control and resolve disagreements and issues with differences, consolidate the social foundation of their bilateral relations, and build consensus among the people on developing the bilateral friendship.

Meanwhile, the guest affirmed that China attaches great importance to developing relations with Vietnam, always considering it a priority in its neighbourhood policy.
He said China is ready to promote high-level exchanges, strengthen transport infrastructure connections between China and Vietnam, build smart border gates, expand cooperation on green growth, digital transformation, and key minerals; expand imports of Vietnamese goods and agricultural products; accelerate the resolution of existing issues in some cooperation projects.

He suggested that the two sides focus on implementing the cooperation agreements signed by the two countries’ legislative bodies in April, further deepening the legislatures' friendship and practical cooperation, thereby promoting the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and a Vietnam-China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance./.

Pham Thu Huong