Moving forward with national key transport projects: PM

- Wednesday, 08/05/2024, 20:53

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh urged the acceleration of national key transport projects while chairing a meeting in Hanoi on May 8.

Moving forward with national key transport projects: PM -0
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired the meeting. Photo: VNA

At the 11th meeting of the State steering committee for national key transport projects and works, the Government leader lauded efforts by investors, constructors, engineers and labourers in the implementation of the projects over the past time.

PM Chinh, who is also head of the committee, reiterated the target of having 3,000 km of expressways by 2025 and 5,000 km by 2030 as set at the 13th National Party Congress, and stressed the huge workload for this year.  

He asked ministries, agencies and localities to take more drastic actions to remove roadblocks to ensure the progress and quality of the projects, while fighting corruption and other negative phenomena in this regard.  

Stressing the importance of site clearance, he urged localities to work harder in this stage, and complete procedures to ensure materials for the construction, along with paving the way for new projects.

Ministries and agencies were also asked to quickly untangle knots regarding foreign loans, and send working groups to localities, helping them to handle obstacles in the construction.  

For the circuit-3 500kV transmission line, the leader ordered great efforts in land clearance and resettlement so that the project can be completed in June./.

Pham Thu Huong