General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - an eminent diplomat of international stature: Minister of foreign affairs

Minister of foreign affairs Bui Thanh Son’s interview on General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s contribution to foreign affairs.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - an eminent diplomat of international stature: Minister of foreign affairs -0
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong attended to the 32th Diplomatic Conference in December 2023. Photo: Tri Dung

- It can be said that within the legacy left by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, one of the greatest achievements is foreign affairs. Some scholars have remarked that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has excelled at balancing relations with major powers, thereby elevating Viet Nam’s role and status to its current height. May I ask the Minister to share the contributions made by the General Secretary in the realm of foreign affairs?

The Vietnamese people take great pride in having General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong not only as a wise leader but also as an eminent diplomat of international stature, who has guided the nation to achieve its current wealth, potential, position, and international prestige. The foreign policy accomplishments of Viet Nam over the past decade have left significant and historically meaningful imprints, attributed prominently to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

With his intellect, vision, and profound political acuity, alongside the Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat of the Party, the General Secretary has not only led and delineated the major foreign policy guidelines of the Party and the State but has also effectively directed the implementation of these policies, engaging directly in high-level foreign affairs activities critical to strategic orientation. The substantial contributions of the General Secretary have elevated Viet Nam’s diplomacy to new heights across all areas and disciplines.

Under the leadership of the General Secretary, we have established and refined the foreign policy and framework of relationship with other countries. Perhaps there has been no other period where the Politburo and the Secretariat have adopted as many important Resolutions, Directives, and Conclusions regarding foreign affairs as during the tenures under General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, particularly during the 13th Congress of the Party.

As an outstanding theoretical thinker, the General Secretary has made immense contributions to the development of Vietnamese diplomatic theory. Through deep reflections on foreign policy over more than 70 years, the General Secretary has comprehensively systematized the foreign policy philosophy of our forebears, the theories of Marxism-Leninism, the thoughts of Ho Chi Minh, and the diplomatic strategy of the Party, thus solidifying a distinctive and unique diplomatic school representative of the Ho Chi Minh era, imbued with the essence of the “Vietnamese bamboo”: rooted strongly, with a sturdy trunk, and flexible branches, embodying the soul, ethos, and spirit of the Vietnamese nation. This diplomatic philosophy has fully embraced and become a guiding principle for the activities of Vietnamese foreign relations.

Under the guidance and leadership of the Central Party, the Politburo, and the Secretariat, headed by the General Secretary, we have not only established frameworks for strategic partnerships and comprehensive partnerships but have also elevated these frameworks to new levels with new content, meeting the demands of a new era. To date, we have established Strategic Partnerships and Comprehensive Strategic Partnerships with all five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

In his role as General Secretary, he has directly participated in many significant diplomatic activities. The strategic diplomatic actions of the General Secretary have played a crucial role in the establishment of an open, favourableforeign relations landscape and unprecedented stature and reputation for our nation, with long-term strategic implications.

Regarding immediate neighbouring countries such as Laos and Cambodia, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has always prioritized bringing together and nurturing the spirit of solidarity, friendship, and special cooperation, exemplified by the highest-level meetings of the leaders of the three Parties after 30 years in Hanoi in 2021 and 2023.

With major powers, General Secretary’s historically significant visits to China in 2022, to Russia in 2018, and to the United States in 2015, as well as the state visits of General Secretary Xi Jinping of China and President Joe Biden of the United States to Viet Nam in 2023 and most recently, the state visit of President Vladimir Putin of Russia to Viet Nam in 2024, at the invitation of the General Secretary, have not onlyopened a new chapter in bilateral relations but have also further solidified our strategic standing in the regional and global context.

Relations with major and key strategic partners such as India, Japan, South Korea, and Australia, as well as the expansion of ties with traditional friends in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, have also been elevated and strengthened, becoming increasingly robust and effective.

- There is an opinion that alongside implementing a foreign policy deeply rooted in the essence of Vietnamese bamboo, the personal reputation of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has helped Viet Nam balance its relations with major powers and address issues in the realm of foreign affairs, as demonstrated by landmark diplomatic milestones. Could the Minister provide an evaluation of this?

As you mentioned, the foreign policy achievements of VietNam in recent tenures closely tied to the personal reputation of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. International relations extend beyond nation-to-nation interactions; they also involved the relationships between individuals. Foreign leaders greatly value and recognize the role and prestige of the General Secretary, which is particularly noteworthy.

To international friends, the General Secretary embodies VietNam’s tradition of “diplomacy through the heart”, winning the people’s hearts through righteousness, humanity, truth, and ethics. In all diplomatic endeavours, with a simple, open, and sincere demeanour, exhibiting both normative and considerate diplomatic practices, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has touched the hearts of leaders, peoples, and international friends, earning their admiration and respect. The General Secretary leaves an impression as a leader with a generous spirit, exuding strategic thinking and vision, consistently advancing national interests while also respecting the interests of international friends, always striving with the spirit of “promoting commonalities, minimizing differences” to seek common ground to enhance friendship and cooperation.

As a result, many international friends view the General Secretary as a “symbol” of an independent and self-reliant foreign policy, and Viet Nam as a trusted partner and a responsible member of the international community. After each interaction with the General Secretary, leaders of other countries develop a deeper understanding, greater trust and a stronger connection and affection for Viet Nam. The diplomatic efforts of the General Secretary have elevated VietNam’s high-level and head-of-state diplomacy to new heights.

In recent days, as we read the condolences, letters, and messages from leaders of various countries and numerous international friends across different circles, we feel once again the profound affection, respect, and admiration from international leaders and friends directed towards the General Secretary.

- Minister, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is profoundly dedicated to the building and advancementof Viet Nam’s foreign relations. He has notably encapsulated Vietnamese diplomacy with the term “Vietnamese bamboo diplomacy.” Could you please elaborate on the significance of implementing this “Vietnamese bamboo diplomacy” approach? Additionally, could you highlight the General Secretary's key contributions to international integration and the recent achievements of our country's foreign policy?

With intelligence, strategic vision, and profound, exceptional theoretical thinking, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has summarized and outlined the theoretical system of our Party's foreign affairs and diplomacy, establishing a foreign policy and diplomacy school imbued with the essence of “Vietnamese bamboo.” Drawing from the reality of over 70 years of foreign affairs, the General Secretary first introduced the concept of a “foreign policy and diplomacy deeply rooted in the essence of Vietnamese bamboo” in his keynote speech at the 29th Diplomatic Conference in 2016, which was systematically developed at the National Foreign Affairs Conference in 2021.

“Foreign policy and diplomacy deeply rooted in the essence of Vietnamese bamboo” is the result of the practical experience of the Vietnamese revolution. It is a summary of the character of Vietnamese diplomacy in the era of Ho ChiMinh, which is encapsulated and symbolized based on the theoretical foundation of Marxism-Leninism and Ho ChiMinh's thought. It inherits and promotes the traditional characteristics of Vietnamese diplomacy while selectively absorbing the essence of human civilization and originating from the practical requirements and tasks of foreign affairs in the new period.

The foundation of “foreign policy and diplomacy deeply rooted in the essence of Vietnamese bamboo” is firm at its roots, strong in its trunk, and flexible in its branches. It embodies the soul, ethos, and spirit of the Vietnamese nation. As the General Secretary stated, being firm at the roots means adhering to the principles of serving the national interests, embodying an independent, self-reliant foreign policy and the diversification and multilateralization of relations. Being strong in the trunk signifies the strength of unity, thesynergetic power of foreign affairs under the direct leadership of the Party, as well as the integration of national strength with contemporary power, embodying a spirit of self-reliance and resilience alongside international support and solidarity. Flexibility in the branches signifies a diplomatic style marked by creativity and adaptability, adhering to the principle of“employing the invariable to cope with the variables”

It can be asserted that this embodies the inheritance and evolution of Ho Chi Minh’s diplomatic thought, which emphasizes the importance of "knowing ourselves and others," "understanding timing and circumstances," and knowing when to "advance or pause." This approach ensures the safeguarding of the highest national interests and serves as a guiding compass for Vietnamese diplomatic activities. It has directly contributed to the "historically significant" achievements in Vietnam's foreign affairs and its international integration in recent years.

International friends are also highly interested in the distinctive “Vietnamese bamboo diplomacy” approach. Leaders, political figures, and scholars from countries such as China, Russia, the United States, and other traditional friends have expressed high regard for Vietnam’s foreign policy amid the current complex international context.

- General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has shown great dedication and made numerous contributions and displayed significant dedication to the Diplomatic Service. Could the Minister share what steps the Diplomatic Service will take in the future to “further uphold its pioneering role in the mission of building and protecting the Fatherland,” as advised by the General Secretary?

The Diplomatic Service is profoundly honoured to receive the unwavering attention, leadership, guidance, and support from the General Secretary. Despite his demanding schedule, he has consistently made time to directly oversee and instruct foreign affairs operations. The Diplomatic Service feels privileged to have had the General Secretary participate in and provide guidance at six diplomatic conferences over the past decade, as well as in the first National Foreign Affairs Conference in 2021.

For the Diplomatic Service, the General Secretary is a leader who is approachable, committed, and respected, as well as dedicated and visionary. Whenever cadres have the opportunity to work with the General Secretary, they are inspired by his ideology and strategic vision on foreign affairs. They admire his thoroughness, comprehensiveness, and acuity, as well as his spirit of continual innovation and willingness to think big, act decisively, and take initiative.

The General Secretary has consistently urged the Diplomatic Service to transcend conventional thinking, to conceive ideas and actions that extend beyond national boundaries, reaching regional and international levels. Furthermore, he has shown great interest in the foreign service’s development, placing high importance on cultivating political integrity, revolutionary ethics, and the spirit of serving the nation and the people in every Vietnamese diplomat. Furthermore, the General Secretary emphasized the importance of building the Diplomatic Service, valuing the cultivation of political steadfastness, revolutionary ethics, and the spirit of dedication to the Fatherland and service to the people among every Vietnamese diplomat.

Foreign affairs officials always keep in mind the General Secretary's instructions at the 30th Diplomatic Conference in August 2018: "As we integrate more deeply into the world, we need diplomats with strong political mettle, sufficient expertise, prestige, and style to stand on par with international countries and friends; wholeheartedly dedicated to our cause.  A skilled diplomat must first and foremost be a skilled politician, always guided by the interests of the nation and the political system in their actions. Diplomats always remember that behind them are the Party, the country, and the people. They must be confident, steady, resolute, and astute.

Absorbing the General Secretary’s guidance at the 32ndDiplomatic Conference in December 2023, which emphasized the need for diplomats to “remain absolutely loyal to the Party and the regime, always place the national interests above all and always have a burning desire to serve and contribute,” the Diplomatic Service will strive to surpass itself, continuing to write new chapters in history. As the General Secretary has repeatedly highlighted: “our nation has never had such wealth, potential, status, and international prestige as today.”

Though the General Secretary has passed away, his shining example will continue to be a guiding light for foreign affairs officials. The Diplomatic Service will always remember and heed his instructions and guidance, continuously striving to improve and contribute to building a comprehensive, modern, and professional Vietnamese foreign affairs system, effectively serving the strategic goals of the nation.

Beneath that shirt, there beat a heart as red as the national flag. That heart has stopped beating. But the legacy that heart left behind will forever be a beacon for diplomatic personnelas they navigate the journey of building and protecting our beloved Viet Nam Fatherland. 

- Reflecting on nearly 15 years in office, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has undertaken numerous foreign visits, some of which have had historical significance. During these visits, the General Secretary has met and engaged with many high-level leaders of countries and friends of Viet Nam. Could Mr. Minister share insights regarding the profound impressions and evaluations of the international community concerning General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong through these visits?

Over the nearly 15 years in the role of General Secretary, Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong has directly participated in numerous diplomatic activities, holding many historic meetings and interactions. These engagements have not only opened new chapters in bilateral relations with various countries but also established a strategic advantage for VietNam in the international landscape.

During these visits, General Secretary Trong has left a profound impression on foreign leaders and international friends regarding his character, dignity, sincerity, trustworthiness, and the vision and ideology of the highest leader of the Communist Party of Viet Nam. Notably, every leader and international friend has shown respect and admiration for General Secretary Trong's character, spirit, and intellect, viewing him as a representative of the Vietnamese people's character, spirit, and intellect. 

With neighbouring countries such as Laos and Cambodia, the General Secretary is often viewed as a worthy successor to the legacy of President Ho Chi Minh, regarded as an outstanding revolutionary leader in this new era. In their condolences, high-level leaders from Laos have expressed their esteemed recognition of the tireless contributions made by the General Secretary, which have propelled Viet Nam’s continuous development, significantly enhancing its international stature and position. Cambodian People’s Party Chairman Hun Sen emotionally assessed the legacy left by the General Secretary, describing him as a sagacious leader who devoted his entire life to the struggle for Viet Nam’s independence and for the peace and prosperity of the Vietnamese people—an impact that future generations will remember.

In engaging with China, the General Secretary is recognized as a close comrade and sincere friend, fostering profound friendships between the two Parties and the two nations. When paying respects to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the Vietnamese Embassy in Beijing, General Secretary Xi Jinping expressed deep emotions for him, acknowledging General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong as an extraordinary leader of the Vietnamese people and a great friend of the Chinese people.

Among socialist friends, the General Secretary has consistently been regarded as a steadfast Marxist and a sagacious leader of the Vietnamese people, whose significant contributions have greatly enhanced the socialist movement worldwide. High-level leaders from traditional friends such as Cuba have emphasized that the General Secretary is a cherished friend—an elder brother who opens his arms to other beloved nations, always ready to extend solidarity with Cuba during the most complex challenges.

With major powers like Russia and the United States, the General Secretary is recognized as a respected leader on the international stage. He has made significant contributions to establishing the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with the Russian Federation and has played a crucial role in forging a deep and full relationship between Viet Nam and the United States. President Vladimir Putin has referred to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong as a wonderful friend whose immense personal contributions have been vital in establishing and developing the comprehensive strategic partnership between Moscow and Hanoi. President Joe Biden has highlighted that thanks to the friendship between the two nations, people in Viet Nam and the United States, and people across the Indo-Pacific region – enjoy greater security and opportunity today because of the friendship between our two countries. “That is thanks to him.”

With many other partners, the General Secretary has left a significant mark in promoting and guiding the development of long-lasting, sustainable friendly and cooperative relations. The passing of the General Secretary is not only a great loss for the Vietnamese people but also leaves a profound sense of regret among international friends, those who had the opportunity to meet and interact with him.


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