NA sitting: Citizens’ complaints, denunciations promptly handled

The National Assembly (NA) discussed at the hall the results of receiving citizens, and handling their complaints and denunciations in 2023 as part of its ongoing sixth plenary session on November 22 morning.

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NA Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong chairs the discussion. Photo: Quang Khanh

In a report on the results, head of the NA Standing Committee's Ombudsman Commission Duong Thanh Binh said that since the beginning of this year, the number of citizens visiting NA's agencies and Delegations of NA deputies to make complaints and denunciations increased by 1,615 from 2022. There were also 102 more cases involving large number of complainants. He added that the number of written complaints sent to the NA rose by 1,384.     in various fields such as land management, construction, resettlement, and compensation.

The complaints and denunciations mainly related to land and construction management, compensation in land clearance, apartment management, and violations of environmental regulations.

NA sitting: Citizens’ complaints, denunciations promptly handled -0
NA Standing Committee's Ombudsman Commission Duong Thanh Binh presents the report. Photo: Quang Khanh

Binh said that the work of receiving citizens, handling complaints and supervising the settlement of citizens' complaints and denunciations has been carried out by NA agencies and delegations more and more effectively.  

Many pressing and urgent issues in society, and difficulties and obstacles in implementing policies and laws in practice have been promptly reported to competent agencies for consideration and settlement. Many complicated cases which involve a large number of people have been handled by competent agencies, thus helping strengthen people's trust in the Party and State and demonstrating the roles and responsibilities of NA agencies and delegations.

To improve the effectiveness of the works, the NA Standing Committee proposed that the Government and the Prime Minister direct ministries, sectors and People's Committees of provinces and cities to continue effectively implement the NA Standing Committee’s recommendations in Resolution No. 623/NQ-UBTVQH15 on continuing to strengthen effectiveness and efficiency in implementing policies and laws on receiving citizens and addressing their complaints and denunciations.

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Government Inspector General Doan Hong Phong reported to the NA. Photo: Quang Khanh

Government Inspector General Doan Hong Phong reported to the NA that in 2023, over 391,500 citizens have come to administrative agencies to complain, denounce, and report on 294,909 cases, while courts at all levels have received 285 complainants related to 253 cases.

Administrative agencies have handled 428,955 out of 453,097 received petitions. 

In terms of complaint settlement, 17,463 out of 21,374 cases, or 81.7%, have been handled, while 6,618 out of 7,666 cases related to denunciations, or 86.3%, have been addressed.

Delivering the NA's assessment of the Government's report on citizen reception and settlement of complaints and denunciations in the administrative fields, this year, Chairman of the NA Committee on Legal Affairs Hoang Thanh Tung said that the Government's report has comprehensively reflected the performance of state administrative agencies, People's Court, People's Procuracy, and Government Inspectorate in accordance with the legislative body’s requirements.

He noted the improvements made in the work, adding that many outstanding problems that have existed for many years remained unsolved. Therefore, the NA Committee on Legal Affairs requested that the Government further clarify the settlement of those problems and identify the agencies and localities with poor performance in the work as well as specific measures to create breakthrough changes in those places./.


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