NA Chairman delivers keynote policy speech in Sofia university

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivered a keynote policy speech before scholars, lecturers and a large gathering of students at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia on September 25.

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NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivered a speech at the University of National and World Economy. Photo: Doan Tan

In his speech, Chairman Hue said with similarities in history, Vietnam and Bulgaria have forged a steadfast and enduring friendship. President Ho Chi Minh's friendly visit to Bulgaria in August 1957 laid the foundation and marked a significant milestone in the history of bilateral relationship.

He stressed that the Vietnamese people always remember and are deeply grateful for the valuable support and assistance that the people of Bulgaria have extended to Vietnam.

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NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivered a speech at the University of National and World Economy. Photo: Doan Tan

According to him, the world has never experienced a period of such rapid, profound, and complex changes as it is facing today. However, peace, cooperation and development are still the mainstream.

Vietnam supports the settlement of all disputes and conflicts via peaceful means in accordance with international law, he said, adding that Vietnam actively joins and upholds its role in various regional and United Nations multilateral mechanisms, especially ASEAN, the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), the United Nations, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the Non-Aligned Movement, and others. Vietnam responsibly contributes to the building of a peaceful, stable international order that meets the legitimate interests of all nations, based on respect for international law and the UN Charter.

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NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivered a speech at the University of National and World Economy. Photo: Doan Tan

In Vietnam’s foreign policy, Chairman Hue described the Central and Eastern Europe as a gateway and bridge for Vietnam to enhance cooperation with the EU.

Vietnam prioritises strengthening its traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation with countries in the region, with Bulgaria being one of its top priority partners, he said, adding that Vietnam advocates expanding economic, investment and trade ties into a pivotal pillar in the bilateral ties in the near future.

NA Chairman delivers keynote policy speech in Sofia university -0
Photo: Doan Tan

He added that both countries need to grasp major opportunities presented by digital transformation, green economy, and innovation trends. They should expedite collaborative initiatives and new economic cooperation at global and regional levels. Furthermore, there should be continued efforts to step up the development of a more equitable and sustainable global framework for all countries and economies.

To intensify effective cooperation in traditional areas, he proposed enhancing collaboration in training and scientific research between universities and research centres, focusing on fields of Bulgaria's strength and Vietnam's need, such as health care, biotechnology, agriculture, environment, and natural resource management.

In the realm of culture, he sought for joint work to hold cultural and music activities such as culture days, painting exhibitions, film weeks, music performances to enable the public in both countries to gain a better understanding of each other's culture.

Regarding labour cooperation, both nations will work to effectively implement the Labour Cooperation Agreement signed in 2018, with coordination from their respective governments.

After delivering the speech, Hue engaged in an open discussion with professors and students at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, during which he shared Vietnam's experiences in overcoming challenges following the war and achieving comprehensive and remarkable accomplishments. He also discussed the most promising areas for future cooperation between Vietnam and Bulgaria./.


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