Italy implements new law to streamline tachograph checks

Italy has passed new legislation to improve tachograph checks for truck drivers and bring them into line with EU transport regulations, reports the local press.

Photo credits @ Polizia Stradale Bari (illustrative purposes only)

The Italian government has officially enacted legislation aimed at improving compliance with European transport regulations and addressing pending infringement procedures. The measure, known as the “Infraction Rescue Decree,” became law following its publication in the Official Journal on 14 November 2024, under Law No. 166, according to the Italian transportation news portal Transporti Italia.

The new legislation updates Article 6 of Legislative Decree No. 144/2008 to align with EU Directive No. 1057/2020. As Transporti Italia explains, the changes primarily focus on tachograph checks for truck and heavy goods vehicle drivers, introducing measures to enhance the efficiency of roadside inspections and reduce the risk of sanctions for technical or documentary issues.

One notable amendment allows drivers to obtain missing documentation during roadside checks. Drivers can acquire the necessary evidence, even with the assistance of their head office, transport manager, or another authorised entity, before the conclusion of the inspection.

However, the obligation to use tachograph equipment correctly remains unchanged, Transporti Italia warns.

This adjustment aims to safeguard drivers and transport companies from penalties resulting from errors not directly attributable to the driver while maintaining compliance with EU regulations.

The law is part of a broader effort to resolve infringement procedures against Italy regarding transport compliance and air quality standards.


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