Ambassador stresses significance of NA leader’s visit to China

The coming official visit to China by National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue is crucial to maintaining high-level exchanges, upholding the strategic orientations for bilateral relations, and realising the common perceptions shared by the top leaders of the two Parties and countries, said Vietnamese Ambassador to China Pham Sao Mai.

Ambassador stresses significance of NA leader’s visit to China -0
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (right) and Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping pose for a joint photo in Hanoi on December 13, 2023 during the Chinese leader's state visit to Vietnam. Photo: Lam Hien

The visit from April 7 to 12, to be made at the invitation of Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China (NPC) Zhao Leji, will be the first trip to China by Vuong Dinh Hue as the top legislator of Vietnam. It will also be the first in-person meeting between the leaders of the legislative bodies since the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The trip follows a state visit to Vietnam by Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping in December 2023 during which the two sides issued a joint statement on continuing to deepen and elevate the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and build a Vietnam - China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, Mai told the media.

Ambassador stresses significance of NA leader’s visit to China -0
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (right) and Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping pose for a joint photo in Hanoi on December 13, 2023 during the Chinese leader's state visit to Vietnam. Photo: Lam Hien

Stressing the importance of this visit, he said it affirms that Vietnam considers relations with China as the top priority and a strategic choice in its foreign policy. The visit also aims to carry out the six major cooperation orientations of the two countries, especially promoting higher political trust and consolidating a more solid social foundation for bilateral relations, thereby helping elevate the Vietnam - China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership for the sake of the two peoples as well as for peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world.   

As the relations between the Vietnamese NA and the Chinese NPC have been unceasingly reinforced and developing, the visit will help intensify and boost the effectiveness of cooperation between the countries’ legislative bodies while affirming the critical importance of parliamentary diplomacy to the development of Vietnam, he went on.

Talking about bilateral ties over the recent past, the ambassador noted thanks to common efforts, relations between the two Parties and the two countries have continued growing well and obtaining a number of important achievements in all spheres.

Mai highlighted increased exchanges at all levels, continuously deepened economic, trade, and investment links that have become a bright spot of the two countries' relationship, along with tangible results in other fields like culture, education, tourism, and people-to-people interaction, helping strengthen the social foundation for relations.

In addition, Vietnam and China have harvested numerous accomplishments in the building of a land border of peace, friendship, and cooperation, contributing to socioeconomic development in border localities. They have made efforts to sustain discussion and control sea-related differences in conformity with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The two sides have also actively carried out the negotiation mechanisms on sea-related issues, stepped up the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and strived to build a substantive, efficient, and effective code of conduct (COC) in the waters to help ensure peace and stability in the East Sea and the region, according to the diplomat.

He expressed his hope that through Chairman Hue’s visit, relations between the two Parties, countries, and parliaments will continue developing to help produce tangible outcomes and new contents of the Vietnam - China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. Sharing of legislative experiences will be also increased while the social foundation consolidated and mutual understanding between the two peoples fostered.

The coming visit is expected to boost the crucial role of the two parliaments in supervising and promoting the implementation of agreements. Besides, the NA and NPC are also hoped to enhance coordination and mutual support at regional and international inter-parliamentary forums, as well as coordination in the enforcement of the international treaties to which both sides are parties, for the sake of peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world./.      


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